Auto Accident

3 Types of Compensation You Can Get After an Auto Accident

by | December 2nd, 2019

If you have ever been involved in a car accident, you know how painful and traumatic they can be. But for many people, the pain and stress pale in comparison to the lasting effects car accidents can have on their family’s finances. Because auto accidents often cause victims to be unable to work and require expensive medical treatment, they can quickly deplete savings, max out credit cards, and leave families in debt.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Virginia car accident lawyers can’t undo the crash, but we can help undo some of the financial burden you’re facing. When you contact us, we’ll work hard to help you get compensation for:

  1. Medical bills—You may need treatments in the immediate future and for months or even years to come. Treatments can include everything from surgeries and prescription medications to physical rehabilitation and specialist visits. We’ll fight to get you paid for these costs.
  2. Lost wages—Auto accident injuries can be both painful and disabling. When you’re dealing with chronic pain or reduced mobility, you may be unable to work—and that means no paychecks. Our team will work hard to get you money to replace your lost wages.
  3. Pain and suffering—Auto accidents can cause victims to suffer a variety of mental and emotional pain. You may develop symptoms of depression, anxiety, or even post-traumatic stress disorder. If the crash affected your life, you deserve to be compensated for it.

Don’t miss out on the money you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Worried You May Be Partially at Fault after a Crash? Get a Lawyer Today.

by | October 7th, 2019

Virginia is a contributory negligence state. That means that injured victims often have a difficult time filing compensation claims after getting hurt in accidents that may be partially their fault. Because of this law, insurance companies can often reduce or dismiss claims outright when there’s any evidence that suggests claimants are even slightly at fault.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Virginia auto accident attorneys know how frustrating this experience can be for injured victims like you. It’s especially important to be aware of this potential pitfall to receiving compensation in the immediate aftermath of your crash. That’s because you may be contacted by the insurance company, and if you provide a statement that indicates liability—even if facts later prove you didn’t contribute to the crash—you may be unable to pursue compensation.

The sooner you contact a lawyer after your auto accident, the better. In addition to helping establish the facts of the crash, we can also protect you from the insurance company and its team of adjusters who want to pay you as little as possible. That means you won’t have to worry about accidentally providing a statement that can jeopardize your claim at any point, as the insurance company will have to direct all communication to you through us first.

Don’t risk getting caught up in the blame game or missing your chance to get compensation. Virginia’s statute of limitations is just two years, and it expires faster than you think. Contact us today for a free consultation.

3 Phone Calls to Make After an Auto Accident

by | July 29th, 2019

Your cell phone is one of your most valuable tools after an auto accident. After checking your own condition and the conditions of your passengers and any other victims, your phone can help you protect the health of everyone involved and your own rights to compensation.

Making these three phone calls should be among your top priorities after a crash:

  1. 911—Never assume that someone else has already called 911. Dialing 911 dispatches emergency medical personnel to the scene as well as police officers. The former can provide medical assistance to you and other victims, while the latter will complete an official report of the crash.
  2. Your own auto insurance provider—Auto insurance providers require notification of crashes within a matter of days—even when their policyholders aren’t at fault. You also need to contact your insurance provider to start the process of potentially collecting on your own policy based on the circumstances of the accident.
  3. An experienced Norfolk auto accident attorney—Car accident claims are rarely straightforward. The other driver’s insurance company will likely dispute your claim, and without evidence, it can be difficult to get compensation. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the better your chances will be of getting the money you deserve.

After you contact Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we’ll do everything in our power to take the stress of the accident off your shoulders. Let us handle the insurance company while you focus on getting better. Contact us today for a free consultation.

How Social Media Can Jeopardize Your Auto Accident Claim

by | May 14th, 2019

Social media is a great tool for staying in touch with family and friends, but it can cost you big money after an auto accident. Insurance companies do everything in their power to pay victims as little as possible after crashes, and that includes keeping tabs on their social media profiles.

The adjusters assigned to your case may check your social media accounts on a regular basis for things like:

  • Information about your accident—To be successful, auto accident claims must be truthful and consistent. If insurance adjusters find differing accounts of the accident on victims’ social media profiles, they may question the official accounts of what happened.
  • Pictures of you—Insurance adjusters also check victims’ profiles for new pictures that may indicate their injuries aren’t as serious as they claim. For example, adjusters may be skeptical of victims who claim to have suffered serious injuries but who upload photos of themselves being active or taking part in activities that might be difficult due to their injuries.

In many cases, insurance adjusters misinterpret what they see and read on victims’ social media profiles. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry and to not give the adjusters any edge against you when it comes to getting compensation.

Stay off social media after your crash, and be sure to get an experienced Norfolk auto accident attorney on your side. Contact Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.

Who Should You Talk to After an Auto Accident?

by | April 1st, 2019

Car accidents are painful and traumatic. You may need immediate medical attention, and your injuries may prevent you from working for weeks, months, or even years. It can be difficult to handle the aftermath of an auto accident alone, but there are certain people and parties that you should reach out to as soon as possible to protect your health and your rights to compensation.

Being honest and upfront with the following five parties can make a big difference in the outcome of your auto accident claim:

  1. 911 dispatcher—Call 911 as soon as possible after your auto accident. Stay on the line as long as necessary, and be sure to provide information such as where the crash occurred, how many vehicles are involved, and the severity of injuries.
  2. Responding police officer—All accidents involving property damage and injuries in Virginia are recorded by police officers. When an officer arrives at the scene, cooperate with him or her and be honest about what happened.
  3. Medical professionals—Whether you get treated at the scene by emergency responders or at a hospital in the following days, never exaggerate or downplay your injuries. The more accurately you can describe them, the better care you’ll receive.
  4. Your insurance company—Your auto insurance provider requires that you report the accident within a matter of days. Do so as soon as possible, but stick to the facts and never admit fault.
  5. A Norfolk auto accident lawyer—The sooner your compensation claim is built, the better your chances of getting compensation. Calling a lawyer right away may mean more evidence for your case, and that can make a big difference.

Ready to get started on your path to compensation? Call us today for a free consultation.

Don’t Make These Common Post-Auto Accident Mistakes

by | January 14th, 2019

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, it’s our job to help injury victims get the compensation they deserve after an auto accident. And while most of that work involves us collecting evidence and negotiating with the insurance company, some of it also involves making sure our clients take the right steps after their crashes.

Insurance companies are always looking for ways to reduce or deny settlements after auto accidents. Personal injury claims require plenty of proof and documentation to win for victims, but only one small mistake to jeopardize. That’s why it’s so important for victims to take the right steps and avoid making common missteps after accidents.

If you or someone you love was recently hurt in a crash, avoiding the following mistakes can help ensure your rights stay protected:

  • Don’t admit fault after the accident—Your memory of the crash may be fragmented, and you may find it difficult to remember exactly what happened. Even if you think you may have been partially at fault for the accident, it’s important to never say that to anyone, whether it’s the police, the other driver, or the insurance company. Admitting fault can disqualify you from getting compensation, even if evidence later proves you couldn’t have caused the crash.
  • Don’t talk about your accident or claim on social media—Insurance adjusters are known to track victims for weeks, months, or even years while their claims are in process. Social media has made it easier than ever for them to “follow” victims, and they’re known to use victims’ status updates and pictures against them. Stay off social media as much as possible until you get your check.

Let our Norfolk auto accident lawyers protect you from the insurance company. Call today for a free consultation.

Injured in an Auto Accident? Get a Lawyer to Level the Playing Field.

by | December 3rd, 2018

Although they spend millions of dollars annually convincing people they focus on protecting policyholders via commercials and other advertisements, auto insurance companies aren’t working in anyone’s best interests except for their own. That’s even true when they find out that innocent people were hurt in car crashes caused by negligent drivers.

Insurance companies have perfected the art of reducing or denying valid claims from real victims who need money to pay for their medical bills, lost wages, and other accident-related expenses. Unfortunately, many victims are unprepared for the realities of filing injury claims and the runarounds that insurance companies often give them. Many insurers count on victims either accepting lowball settlements or becoming discouraged and giving up altogether.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk auto accident attorneys know that victims like you are often at a disadvantage against insurance companies when they pursue compensation after crashes. That’s because insurance companies have well-defined procedures and tactics for paying as little as possible, while you may be navigating the personal injury claim process for the very first time.

Don’t go it alone. Get an experienced law firm on your side to get the peace of mind and improved chances of receiving maximum compensation that you deserve. Call us today for a free consultation to find out how we can put our years of experience and track record of success to work for your family.

3 Steps to Take After an Auto Accident

by | November 12th, 2018

Auto accidents can be overwhelming, traumatic, and painful. Many victims suffer injuries that require immediate and prolonged medical care, and they may be too disabled to return to work for months or even years.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk car accident lawyers have helped many people just like you after crashes that weren’t their fault. In our years of experience, we’ve found that the minutes, hours, and days after accidents are vital for victims for both their physical and financial recoveries.

Taking the following three steps after your accident can help you protect your health and your rights to compensation:

  1. Call 911—Calling 911 accomplishes two important things: it dispatches a police officer who will file an official police report of the crash, and it dispatches emergency responders who can treat you and other victims and transport you to the hospital.
  2. Get medical attention—It’s important to see a doctor or go to the hospital after a crash, even if you don’t think you were seriously injured or you were already treated by emergency responders. Getting treated at a clinic or hospital creates a record of your injuries and helps rule out dangerous complications.
  3. Contact a lawyer—The insurance company doesn’t want to pay you the money you deserve, and the longer you wait to get a lawyer, the bigger of an advantage they will have. Evidence can disappear, statutes of limitations can expire, and the insurance company will grow more skeptical of your claim the longer you wait to file a claim with a lawyer at your side.

Call today for a free consultation—we’re ready to help.

What Compensation Is Available for Auto Accident Victims?

by | September 24th, 2018

Car crashes aren’t just painful and emotionally traumatic—they’re also expensive. It’s not uncommon for victims to face financial ruin and even bankruptcy over accidents that weren’t their fault. That’s because crashes frequently cause serious injuries that require extensive medical care—and those same injuries often put victims out of work for weeks, months, or even years.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk auto accident attorneys know how devastating car accidents can be for victims and their families. In addition to facing long roads to recovery, victims also face medical bills that they can’t afford due to being unable to work.

Thankfully, victims have the opportunity to file claims for compensation when they’re injured in crashes that weren’t their fault. Types of compensation that are available to victims include:

  • Medical bill compensation—Ambulance rides, surgeries, overnight stays in the hospital, and physical rehabilitation costs can quickly add up and become overwhelming for many victims, including those with extensive health insurance. Many compensation claims include demands for recouping some or all medical bills associated with crashes.
  • Lost wage compensation—When victims aren’t working, they aren’t earning the paychecks their families depend on. Some victims may be unable to work for weeks or months, while others may never get back on the job due to permanent disabilities. Injury claims can award money based on current and future lost wages.

Other types of compensation can include vehicle repair costs and pain and suffering. Want to find out how much money your claim is worth? Call us today for a free consultation.

Be Careful When You Talk About Your Auto Accident

by | July 30th, 2018

Car accidents are painful, stressful, and often traumatic for victims. It’s natural to want to share your experience with others, including your coworkers, the insurance adjuster, and even your social media friends and followers.

But it’s important to remember that insurance companies are always looking for ways to reduce or deny payments to victims like you. The adjusters that work for insurers will go to great lengths to collect evidence that implicates people who file compensation claims for their own accidents.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk car accident attorneys know how invasive adjusters can be, and they often twist victims’ words and use them against them.

You can protect your rights by keeping these rules of thumb in mind:

  • Stick to the facts when talking to the adjuster—Insurance adjusters often seem friendly on the phone or in person, but they’re often looking for direct or indirect statements that indicate fault for crashes. If you haven’t hired an attorney yet, stick to the facts when talking to the adjuster. Otherwise, let your lawyer handle all communication with the insurance company.
  • Don’t post about your accident or injury claim on social media—Social media posts can be saved forever and even used as evidence in claims and court cases. Keep all information or opinions concerning your accident and your case off social media to make it that much harder for the insurance company to deny you the money you deserve.

When you call us, we’ll do everything we can to maximize your chances of getting the money you deserve—and that includes advising you on what to do and talking to the insurance company on your behalf. Contact us today for a free consultation.