Car Accident in Virginia

Even simple, seemingly harmless decisions while driving can have the same terrible consequences on the road as the decision to drive drunk. When drivers decide to put on makeup, talk on the phone, ignore fatigue, or eat breakfast in the car, they aren’t paying close attention to other vehicles on the highway and can cause dangerous auto accidents.

Recovering from a car accident can involve weeks, months, or even years of medical treatment. Physical therapy, surgery, and medication are expensive and time consuming. Car accident victims may be out of work and unable to earn money to pay for treatment or support their family members. The mental, emotional, and financial costs of recovery can be overwhelming.

To get the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, contact the experienced Norfolk car accident lawyers at Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers. We know how to handle profit-driven insurance companies, and we’ll fight to protect the true value of your claim. Request a free initial consultation online now!

What to Do After an Accident

Insurance companies employ attorneys and insurance adjusters whose sole purpose is to save them money. When dealing with the insurance company it’s best to let your lawyer handle any negotiations. But there are certain steps you can take after your accident that may help strengthen your claim.

  1. Call the police.
    In Virginia, police must be notified after an accident if it involves death, injury, or property damage exceeding $1,500. If anyone is seriously injured, you should call 911 immediately to get medical treatment. For non-emergencies, each city has a non-emergency phone number you can call to report a car accident to the police.

  2. Gather insurance and contact information.
    Important information to have after an accident can include:

    • Contact information of all drivers involved
    • Insurance policy numbers
    • License plate numbers
    • Contact information of any witnesses
  3. Write down details.
    Immediately following your accident, write down how it happened, the weather and road conditions at the time, and any other details you remember. Keep a journal detailing how you felt as you recovered in the days and weeks after your accident. It may be difficult many months after an accident to remember small details about the accident or how painful it was to button a shirt or tie shoes because of your injuries.
  4. Take photos.
    As soon as you are able, take photos of the accident, your vehicle, road conditions, other vehicles involved, your injuries and anything else you think may be important. Photos are difficult to dispute as evidence.
  5. See a doctor.
    You may feel fine after a serious accident, or you may think the soreness you feel isn’t a big deal, but internal injuries can take time to show and injuries that seem minor can get worse over time. Visiting a doctor for treatment will not only help you feel better, your medical records can be valuable evidence for your claim. Remember that you have the right to choose your own doctor. Do not let an insurance adjuster choose a doctor for you.
  6. Notify your insurance company.
    As soon as possible, notify your insurance company of your accident. Any delays may hurt your case down the line. You are not required to talk to the other driver’s insurance company. Visit our Dealing With the Insurance Company page to learn valuable tips and tricks for handling insurance adjusters.
  7. Keep records of your accident-related expenses.
    Keep copies of all your medical records and receipts for medical expenses, including prescriptions, treatments, hospital stays, and medical equipment. You should also keep receipts for other accident-related costs, such as rental cars, repairs, and household services such as mowing the lawn and having food prepared while you are injured.
  8. Call a lawyer.
    Don’t try to go it alone after a car accident. Let Lowell Stanley handle the legal side of your case so you can focus on healing and moving forward. We can start helping you immediately, so call us as soon as possible after your accident and let us take steps to strengthen your claim. We will fight to protect you against those who would take advantage of your vulnerable position.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Every accident is different, and injuries can range from neck and back pain to more severe spinal cord injuries, paralysis, brain injuries, lacerations, and amputations. Some of the most common types of injuries suffered by car accident victims include:

  • Bone Fractures
    Bones in the arms, legs, and other body parts can break as vehicles make contact during accidents. Open fractures—or fractures where bones break through the skin—often require surgery to heal properly.
  • Neck and Back Injuries
    The forces of car accidents can hyperextend victims’ necks, which can lead to painful soft tissue injuries, whiplash, and nerve damage, as well as permanent injuries to spinal discs in the neck and back.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
    Even with modern safety equipment, car accident victims still face the risk of hitting their heads against windows, dashboards, and doors. The traumatic brain injuries that result can affect victims’ thinking, language, and even their emotions and personality.

At Lowell Stanley, we have more than 30 years of experience handling car accident claims, and we know the true costs of your injuries. If you were injured and it wasn’t your fault, we’ll help you get the money you deserve to pay for the medical treatment you need to get better.

Get Started With Your Claim Today

If you were injured in a car accident, our Norfolk car accident lawyers want to help. We’ll evaluate your case for free, and you won’t pay for our legal services unless we get money for you. We’re here to take on the insurance company so you can focus on recovering from your injuries. Call (757) 459-CASH or fill out our free online form to get Lowell Stanley on your side today.