3 Phone Calls to Make After an Auto Accident

by admin@gotechark.com | July 29th, 2019

Your cell phone is one of your most valuable tools after an auto accident. After checking your own condition and the conditions of your passengers and any other victims, your phone can help you protect the health of everyone involved and your own rights to compensation.

Making these three phone calls should be among your top priorities after a crash:

  1. 911—Never assume that someone else has already called 911. Dialing 911 dispatches emergency medical personnel to the scene as well as police officers. The former can provide medical assistance to you and other victims, while the latter will complete an official report of the crash.
  2. Your own auto insurance provider—Auto insurance providers require notification of crashes within a matter of days—even when their policyholders aren’t at fault. You also need to contact your insurance provider to start the process of potentially collecting on your own policy based on the circumstances of the accident.
  3. An experienced Norfolk auto accident attorney—Car accident claims are rarely straightforward. The other driver’s insurance company will likely dispute your claim, and without evidence, it can be difficult to get compensation. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the better your chances will be of getting the money you deserve.

After you contact Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we’ll do everything in our power to take the stress of the accident off your shoulders. Let us handle the insurance company while you focus on getting better. Contact us today for a free consultation.