Why You Should Get a Dashcam to Protect Your Rights

by admin@gotechark.com | February 8th, 2021

When it comes to winning an auto accident compensation claim, proof and evidence are king. Without them, insurance companies can reduce or deny claims with near impunity, because they know that even if claims go to trial, victims are unlikely to win. And unfortunately, proof of what happened isn’t always easy to come by.

Even many traditional forms of evidence, such as accident scene debris, skid marks, and witness statements, can be argued in either party’s favor. But there is one form of “smoking gun” evidence that insurance companies can’t ignore: dashcam footage. Previously, drivers had to hope that their crashes were caught on tape by intersection or surveillance camera footage, but now, drivers can cheaply mount their own cameras to record every second that they’re on the road.

And while dashcams don’t always show the entire picture of what happened, as their fields of view can be limited, what they do show can make a big difference when it comes to getting compensation. The footage they capture is especially important and impactful when it’s combined with other types of evidence.

If you purchase and install a dashcam and are ever involved in a crash, it’s important to share the footage with a lawyer first. Not all dashcam footage will be interpreted in your favor, and the insurance company may pick out small, irrelevant details to paint you as the at-fault party! Get in touch with our Virginia auto accident lawyers first, and let the legal team at Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers protect your rights to compensation.