Don’t Count on Your Auto Insurer to Play Fair After a Crash

by | March 21st, 2022

Many car accident victims expect that the other drivers’ insurers will play hardball when it comes to handing out settlements after crashes. But they’re often surprised when they go to their own insurers for compensation and find that their settlements are reduced or denied. Unfortunately, insurance companies don’t care if you’re a longstanding policyholder—all they see is a claim that can cut into their profits.

Insurance companies are known for denying all types of claims, and that includes claims like uninsured/underinsured driver coverage or collision coverage. Even when policyholders aren’t at fault and have the right type of coverage for their expenses, they may still find out the hard way that their insurer either won’t pay them a fair settlement or won’t pay them, period.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we work hard to help injured car accident victims get compensation, no matter which insurance company they’re filing a claim against. We know that injured victims’ insurers are just as likely to deny their claims as the insurers of at-fault drivers. And while this often takes victims by surprise, it doesn’t shock us. In fact, we expect it and begin preparing accordingly when victims contact us.

Don’t be caught off guard by your own auto insurer’s uncooperativeness after a crash. Contact our Virginia auto accident lawyers today for a free consultation. We want to protect your rights to the money you’re owed.