Who Should You Talk to After an Auto Accident?

by admin@gotechark.com | April 1st, 2019

Car accidents are painful and traumatic. You may need immediate medical attention, and your injuries may prevent you from working for weeks, months, or even years. It can be difficult to handle the aftermath of an auto accident alone, but there are certain people and parties that you should reach out to as soon as possible to protect your health and your rights to compensation.

Being honest and upfront with the following five parties can make a big difference in the outcome of your auto accident claim:

  1. 911 dispatcher—Call 911 as soon as possible after your auto accident. Stay on the line as long as necessary, and be sure to provide information such as where the crash occurred, how many vehicles are involved, and the severity of injuries.
  2. Responding police officer—All accidents involving property damage and injuries in Virginia are recorded by police officers. When an officer arrives at the scene, cooperate with him or her and be honest about what happened.
  3. Medical professionals—Whether you get treated at the scene by emergency responders or at a hospital in the following days, never exaggerate or downplay your injuries. The more accurately you can describe them, the better care you’ll receive.
  4. Your insurance company—Your auto insurance provider requires that you report the accident within a matter of days. Do so as soon as possible, but stick to the facts and never admit fault.
  5. A Norfolk auto accident lawyer—The sooner your compensation claim is built, the better your chances of getting compensation. Calling a lawyer right away may mean more evidence for your case, and that can make a big difference.

Ready to get started on your path to compensation? Call us today for a free consultation.