What Determines How Much Compensation You Get for a TBI?

by admin@gotechark.com | September 21st, 2020

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we believe that all innocent victims of accidents and injuries deserve compensation. And the amount of compensation they receive should be equal to the amount of disability, lost wages, pain, and suffering they’ve experienced. Few injuries can affect all of those factors quite like a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

When you contact our Virginia brain injury lawyers, we’ll work hard to get you maximum compensation for all the ways your TBI has affected your life. The amount of money you can get depends on several factors, such as:

  • Your level of disability—TBI victims can experience varying levels of disability. Some may suffer from minor physical ailments such as headaches and sensitivity to light, while others may experience significant loss of fine motor skills and cognitive ability.
  • Your cost of medical care—TBIs are among the most expensive injuries to treat, as they frequently require brain imaging and extensive physical and mental rehabilitation. In some cases, victims may even require the assistance of live-in nurses and caregivers.
  • Your pain and suffering—People who suffer TBIs almost always end up with permanent effects. Those effects can significantly impact their daily lives, including their independence and ability to enjoy hobbies, and even their ability to interact with friends and loved ones.

When we build your claim, we’ll look at all of these factors to determine how much money you’re owed. Then, we’ll aggressively push the at-fault party and/or their insurance company to pay you every penny you deserve. Don’t settle for anything less than the full amount of compensation—contact us today for a free consultation.