2 Steps to Take if You’re Injured by a Defective Product

by admin@gotechark.com | April 16th, 2018

Our lives are heavily dependent on the safety of consumer products. The beds we sleep in, the cars we drive to work, and the appliances we use to cook our food are all parts of our daily lives. We trust the manufacturers of those products to test them thoroughly and to keep us out of harm when we purchase and use them.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to make sure every product that a manufacturer releases is 100-percent safe, but some manufacturers allow inherently flawed and dangerous products onto the market to maximize their profits. To make matters worse, this can also happen with medical devices, including those that are implanted inside patients’ bodies.

When medical devices fail due to design or manufacturing flaws, patients face serious health risks and complications. If you or you someone you love ever faces this situation, you should:

  1. Call your doctor immediately—Symptoms of a defective medical device include pain, reduced mobility, inflammation, bleeding, and illness due to materials breaking off and entering the bloodstream. Your doctor can diagnose your condition and provide evidence to link it to your medical device.
  2. Call a Norfolk defective product lawyer—If evidence indicates that your injury or illness was caused by your medical device, you need heavy-hitting legal representation on your side. Medical device companies are well-protected from a legal standpoint, but we know how to tip the scales in our clients’ favor.

Call Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation. We’re here to help you get the money you deserve for your defective product injury or medical-device-related illness.