What Should You Do if You Suspect You’ve Been Injured by a Drug?

by admin@gotechark.com | May 29th, 2018

Prescription medications are supposed to help you heal and manage your symptoms—not make you feel worse or put your health or even your life at risk.

Many new medications are approved for usage in the U.S. every year by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And while all medications are supposed to receive extensive safety testing before being released to the public, sometimes drug manufacturers fail to properly test their products or they may even hide known adverse effects to improve the chances of their drugs being approved by the FDA.

When that happens, innocent victims like you can suffer serious injuries and health complications. If you or someone you love was hurt by a prescription medication, taking the following two steps can help you protect your health and your rights to compensation:

  1. Call or visit your doctor as soon as possible—While you should never stop taking a medication without first speaking to your doctor, you also shouldn’t wait to find out if the medication is causing your health problems. The sooner you can see your healthcare provider, the sooner you’ll be able to pinpoint what’s harming your health.
  2. Call a Roanoke drug injury lawyer—Drug injuries can cause victims to require expensive medical treatment while putting them out of work indefinitely—and sometimes permanently. Having an experienced legal team on your side means you’ll be able to maximize your chances of receiving compensation for your drug injury-related expenses.

Get in touch with Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers today to find out how a drug injury attorney can help. Just fill out a free consultation form.