You Don’t Have to Suffer Alone After a Prescription Medication Injury

by | September 23rd, 2019

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves dozens of new medications every year. The manufacturers of those medications are supposed to provide the FDA with accurate and up to date information about their drugs, including potential side effects and complications. However, some pharmaceutical companies hide or downplay the risks associated with their drugs to increase their chances of getting approved for sale to the public.

When drug companies aren’t forthcoming about the risks their medications pose to patients, serious injuries and health complications can occur. Drug injuries can range from severe bleeding and organ damage to heart attacks and even death. At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, we believe that drug manufacturers should be held accountable when they withhold information that causes innocent people to suffer.

Going up against a multi-billion-dollar drug company on your own can be an intimidating experience, but our Virginia drug injury lawyers are here to help. We aren’t afraid of any opposition, whether it’s during the negotiation process or even in the court room. When you contact us, we’ll do everything we can to build a claim that the pharmaceutical company can’t ignore. You’ve been through enough already, and now you deserve compensation for your medical bills and lost wages.

Get the help you need from a law firm you can trust. Contact us today—we’re ready to put our experience to work for you.