We Uphold the Rights of Abused and Neglected Nursing Home Residents

by admin@gotechark.com | April 15th, 2019

Nursing homes are supposed to be safe places where people receive personalized healthcare and assistance with their day-to-day living tasks. Unfortunately, some nursing homes are the opposite, as negligent staff members put residents’ well-being and lives in danger due to abuse and neglect.

Negligence may occur when nursing homes understaff in an effort to save money, or they hire underqualified and unvetted workers. Too many nursing homes value profits over the health of their residents, and when their priorities are skewed, innocent people suffer.

At Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers, our Norfolk nursing home abuse attorneys are dedicated to holding negligent nursing homes and nursing home owners responsible for the harm they cause to residents. If your loved one suffered an illness or injury because of abuse or neglect while living in a nursing home, we’re here to help.

We know what evidence to look for to prove that your loved one’s health problems are caused by poor quality of care, and we know how to build a claim that the nursing home can’t ignore. Call us today for a free consultation—we’re ready to help your family get the compensation you deserve.