Swimming Safety Should Be A Priority In Virginia This Summer

by admin@gotechark.com | June 18th, 2012

June 18, 2012

With one man drowning over Father’s Day weekend while saving his grandson from rip currents and unsafe swimming conditions at local beaches, WVEC 13 News and a local pediatrician are offering summer swimming safety tips in an effort to better protect children from the dangers of water and prevent a Norfolk Wrongful Death.

Dr. Vickey Leff, from the Children’s’ Hospital of the King’s Daughters, says the first thing you should look at is the weather before swimming. If there are high surf advisories or rip currents, consider changing the plans if you have young children. It’s also important to get out of the water immediately if you see lightning. You should not return to the water until 30 minutes has passed without seeing or hearing lightning and thunder.

Dr. Leff also suggests making sure older children are excellent swimmers before letting them venture into deep water. If you do let your child go into deep water, make sure they have a swimming buddy and that there is also plenty of adult supervision.

When kids get out of the water, make sure they wear plenty of sunscreen and watch out for signs of dehydration or heat-related illness.

The Norfolk Personal Injury Lawyers with Lowell “The Hammer” Stanley say that your trip to the pool or beach will have a significantly decreased chance of someone being hurt if you follow these simple safety tips.