drug injuries

We Hold Negligent Pharmaceutical Companies Liable for Injuries

by admin@gotechark.com | January 20th, 2020

When we talk about negligent pharmaceutical companies, what exactly are we referring to? To better understand the role that drug companies play in our lives, consider how heavily we depend on medications.

Medications have the power to cure diseases, treat serious illnesses, reduce symptoms, and extend lifespans for people with incurable and debilitating conditions. The pharmaceutical industry plays a huge role in improving the health and lives of millions of Americans, but the creation of new drugs requires enormous investments that those companies are often desperate to recoup.

When Negligent Pharmaceutical Companies Get It Wrong

Because the research, development, and marketing costs of a medication can reach billions of dollars, drug companies are often under significant pressure to ensure that their newly developed medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and stocked on pharmacy shelves as quickly as possible. Sometimes, that pressure is so great that drug companies may hide potential side effects and complications from the FDA, doctors, pharmacists, and patients themselves.

When drug companies value their profits over the safety of consumers, they can put millions of people at risk of severe complications that can be disabling and even life-threatening. When that happens, the Virginia drug injury attorneys at Lowell Stanley Injury Lawyers are here to hold them accountable. We aren’t afraid to go toe-to-toe with negligent pharmaceutical companies. In some cases, that means taking them to court.

Let Us Hold Negligent Pharmaceutical Companies Accountable

The costs of a drug injury can be significant. Many victims may require hospitalization and even surgery to repair injuries and damage they’ve suffered. Their overall health may worsen. This could lengthen recovery periods unnecessarily, putting them out of work for even longer. If you or someone you love was harmed by a defective drug, give us a call. We want to help you get every penny you deserve by holding negligent pharmaceutical companies accountable. Call or contact us online today.