What Are Your Options if Your Employer Disputes Your Workers’ Comp Claim?

by admin@gotechark.com | December 21st, 2020

Almost all employers in Virginia are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance helps workers cover their medical bills and lost wages if they get hurt on the job. But as with all types of insurance, the cost goes up when it’s used frequently. Because of that, many employers are reluctant to report injuries to the workers’ compensation board.

In some cases, they may even go as far as denying that their workers suffered injuries, or they may claim that their injuries happened elsewhere or were pre-existing. Unfortunately, many employers count on their injured workers simply giving up or being too afraid of retaliation or termination to pursue benefits. If this happens to you, here are your options:

  • Talk to your company’s HR department—If your employer has a human resources department, tell them what’s happening. If your injury was documented, the report can serve as valuable proof of what happened and can help your claim move forward.
  • File a claim on your own—Although your employer should provide you with the required forms to submit a workers’ compensation claim, you don’t have to rely on them for this. If they’re uncooperative, you can submit a claim on your own online or through the mail.
  • Get a lawyer—Pursuing compensation on your own can be difficult, especially when your employer is uncooperative or even denies your injury occurred. Our Virginia workers’ compensation lawyers can help you through the entire process.

Don’t risk losing out on the money you’re owed after your workplace injury. Contact us today for a free consultation.